Expand your Network 

Discuss with the actors the opportunities for developing the network of members and various partnerships with other associations or institutional stakeholders for the sustainable development of choral music in Africa. This is the initiative that CAMC has pursued through a networking activity. Join us

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Cameroon succeeds with Africa Cantat 2 

They came. They saw. They loved. That's how participants at the Africa Cantat 2 Festival, held in Yaoundé from August 1 to 6, 2023, summed it up. For a trial run, it was a real masterstroke for the association "Les Amis du Choeur Madrigal du Cameroun", headed by Henri Mandeng, supported by an organizing committee, who brilliantly oversaw the organization of this edition, the 1st of its kind in person. Nearly 600 participants attended the festival, with some 20 choirs from 15 African and European countries taking part in 18 concerts and 8 workshops. A great success for an event placed under the High Patronage of Cameroon's Head of State Paul Biya and the sponsorship of Cameroon's Ministry of Arts and Culture, and supported by IFMC, A Coeur Joie International and ECA-Europa Cantat, UNESCO and the EU-ACP Culture program Créer en Afrique Centrale.

about us

innovative ideas, inclusive synergy

ACCM is an African regional exchange platform for the promotion and development of African choral music. As a non-profit association, ACCM is a member of IFCM and federates all the major initiatives and skills available on the African continent in the field of choral music. Open to all actors in the African choral sector, with the ambition of setting up a strong regional organization in an inclusive and sustainable approach. 

 Our commitments


Support actions for the structuring of the African choral movement at national and continental level and bring together the stakeholders through an exchange platform.


Promoting african choirs and musicians as well as african choral music heritage through the preservation and dissemination of the repertoire in all its diversity and authenticity.


Encourage the quality of choral productions through support for building the skills of actors, musicians, conductors and singers, adapted to the need and innovation capacities.

we build african choral music

ACCM has daily commitment to the sustainable development of choral music throughout Africa through an holistic & inclusive approach with all stakeholders. ACCM is open to all the structures of the african continent operating in the choral field (national associations, choirs, organizations)  as well as to individuals (choristers, conductors, composers, patrons, amateurs, cultural operators, producers, publishers) and  committed to a common and concerted policy for choral music development in Africa.

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